Alarm Configuration
Plug Thresholds:
Defines current consumption level(s) that will trigger alarm(s) at
each switched outlet. The Plug Thresholds can be configured to trigger an alarm
when current consumption rises above a user-defined "High" value and/or when
current consumption falls below a user-defined "Low" value. This allows you to
define a "normal" current range for each outlet, allowing the Plug Current Alarm to
be triggered whenever current consumption strays outside of this range.
(Default = undefined.)
Plug Group Thresholds:
Defines current consumption level(s) that will trigger
alarm(s) for each user-defined Plug Group. The Plug Group Thresholds can be
configured to trigger an alarm when total current consumption for a given Plug
Group rises above a user-defined "High" value and/or when current consumption
falls below a user-defined "Low" value. This allows you to define a "normal" current
range for each Plug Group, allowing the Plug Current Alarm to be triggered
whenever total current consumption for the Plug Group strays outside of this range.
(Default = undefined.)
In order to define Plug Group Thresholds, you must first define at least
one Plug Group as described in Section 6.5.
Plug "Off" Low Alarm:
Allows you to configure the "Low" current alarm to suppress
triggering when an outlet is purposely switched Off. When this feature is "On", the
VMR will generate a Low alarm whenever current drops below the Low threshold
value, even if the current drop is due to an outlet being purposely switched Off.
When this feature is "Off", the VMR will not generate a Low alarm due to a current
drop caused by an outlet being switched Off. (Default = On)
• The Plug "Off" Low Alarm feature will also be applied to Plug Groups.
• When the Plug "Off" Low Alarm feature is enabled (On), the VMR will always
generate a Low current alarm when current drops below the Low threshold
value, even when the current drop was caused by one or more outlets in the
Plug Group being purposely switched Off.
• When the Plug "Off" Low Alarm feature is disabled (Off), the VMR will not
generate a Low current Alarm when a current drop is caused by all outlets in
the Plug Group being purposely switched Off.
Resend Delay:
Determines how long the VMR will wait to resend an email
message generated by this alarm, when the initial attempt to send the notification
was unsuccessful. (Default = 60 Minutes.)
Notify Upon Clear:
When this item is enabled, the VMR will send additional
notification when the situation that caused the alarm has been corrected. For
example, when Notify Upon Clear is enabled, the VMR will send initial notification
when it detects that a current consumption has risen above the defined "High"
trigger value, and then send a second notification when it determines that current
consumption has fallen below the "Low" trigger value. (Default = On.)