WPS-165-DVR-4CH Installation and Users Manual
Define if normal video and audio (non-event based video and audio) is recorded. Options include V for
Video only, AV for Audio and Video, NO for No Recording, and OFF for recording but no event notification.
NOTE: If both Alarm and Motion are set to OFF, then all video and audio recordings will be considered
“normal recording” unless there is Video Loss for a particular camera.
By default, the internal buzzer is enabled to sound when video loss for the camera is detected.
The Easy Schedule Record Setup allows the administrator to visually define when and how video (and audio)
will be recorded. The simple seven day by 24 hour grid, allows push-button scheduling by assigning various
record modes by day/hour/mode.
Simply select a record mode and then assign that mode to the grid by day and hour. (The grid is setup as seven
days by twenty four hours per day in one hour blocks.)
Select the cameras to be scheduled from the drop-down menu. OPTIONS: All, Individual.
If 'Individual Mode' was selected, select the camera to be scheduled from the drop-down menu.. OPTIONS:
Select a record mode or combination of record modes for the selected camera(s). Select a record mode and
then click in the grid for the days/hours that mode is to be applied. To change record modes, select a different
mode and click the days/hours on the grid.
Select to record 24/7 plus logging and notifications of alarm and motion events.
Select to disable 24/7 recording while maintaining logging and notifications for alarm and motion events.
Select to disable 24/7 recording and motion event logging and notifications while maintaining logging and
notifications for alarm events only.
Select to disable 24/7 recording and alarm event logging and notifications while maintaining logging and
notifications for motion events only.