Calibration Procedures
1. Jumper the board for 0-5 Volt Single- Ended Mode. Base Ad dress 110H and IRQ5.
2. Run the PCMAD12.EXE pro gram.
3. Ap ply a pre ci sion (+/-1.5mV) in put source to chan nel 0. Set the source to 0.00V
4. Turn R3 and R4 pots full clock wise. Clear val ues by press ing the 'R' key.
5. Ad just R3 slowly counter- clockwise for a sta ble zero volt age read ing on chan nel 0. Ig nore other chan
nel val ues.
6. Set the pre ci sion in put source to 4.99 volts and again clear cur rent val ues by press ing the 'R' key.
7. Ad just R4 counter- clockwise for a read ing cor re spond ing to the in put source. Some lower bit de via tion
may be ex pe ri enced and is nor mal.
8. Set the in put source to 5.00 volts. Hit 'R' to clear the cur rent val ues. Look for a solid 5.00 Volt read ing.
If the dis play is not sta ble at 5.00V, re peat steps 3 through 8. If the value can not be sta bi lized af ter re peat ing
the steps, slowly turn R4 clock wise up to one full turn to achieve ac cept able re sults. Turn ing be yond this
point will de stroy board line ar ity. If the volt ages can not be sta bi lized the board is not func tion ing prop erly and
will need to be re paired.
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