Mode 4 - +/-10 Volt differential/Bipolar
This mode pro vides 8 chan nels of dif fer en tial in put with 2 im por tant limi ta tions.
1. The maxi mum dif fer en tial volt age be tween the two legs is 10V.
2. Nei ther in put leg can be, as ref er enced to ground, greater than +10V nor less than -10V.
The jump er ing for this mode is as shown be low :
Each chan nel's in put volt age is ap plied to J3 as ref er enced in sec tion 2.6. Be sure to use
the dif fer en tial pin defi ni tions when us ing this mode.
Two's com ple ment bi nary val ues are read from the con verter per the fol low ing ta ble.
Full Scale Range :
Least Sig nifi cant bit :
305uV (16- Bit)
or 4.88mV (12- Bit)
+Full Scale (FS- 1LSB) :
9.999695V (16- Bit)
or 9.99512 (12- Bit) 7FFFH
Mid scale :
0.0V 0000H
One LSB be low Mid scale :
-305uV (16Bit)
or -4.88mV (12- Bit) FFFFH
-Full Scale :
-10.0V 8000H
NOTE: On the PCM-A/D-12 the lower nib ble of all hex val ues will be 0.
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+/-10 Volt - Differential/Bipolar Mode