Measuring and monitoring unit
Technical description
Wimotec Ltd
Wimotec 24h support phone +358 (0)20 753 3264
IEC 60870-5-103
The IEC standard 60870-5-103 "Companion standard for the
informative interface of protection equipment" provides
standardized communication interface to a primary system
(master system).
The unbalanced transmission mode of the protocol is used, and
the unit functions as a secondary station (slave) in the
communication. Data is transferred to the primary system
using "data acquisition by polling"-principle. The IEC
functionality includes the following application functions:
station initialization
general interrogation
clock synchronization and
command transmission.
It is not possible to transfer parameter data or disturbance
recordings via the IEC 103 protocol interface.
DNP 3.0
WIMO 6CP10 supports communication using DNP 3.0 protocol.
The following DNP 3.0 data types are supported:
binary input
binary input change
double-bit input
binary output
analog input
Additional information can be obtained from the DNP 3.0
Device Profile Document.
DNP 3.0 communication is activated via menu selection. RS-
485 interface is often used but also RS-232 and fibre optic
interfaces are possible.