Jockey pump switchgear
Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SiFire FIRST
Represents the minimum pressure at which the pump is started. The parameter
can be set from 0.5 to 8.0 bar. The factory setting is 1.5 bar. Use the "+" and "-"
keys to change the parameter value.
Stop pressure of the electric pump. It is available only when the operating mode is
set to "P+P" (pr pressure). The parameter can be set from 1.0 to 9.0 bar
and in any case at least 0.3 bar higher than the adjusted P
value. Use the "+" and
"-" keys to change the parameter value.
Auto-reset interval
If there is a temporary lack of water in the inlet during operation, the system re-
moves power from the motor to prevent damage. Through this screen it is pos-
sible to set after how many minutes the system performs an automatic restart in
order to verify a possible new availability of water in suction. If the attempt is suc-
cessful, the switchgear automatically exits the error condition and the system is
working again. Otherwise another attempt will be made after the same time inter-
val. The maximum interval that can be set is 180 minutes (recommended value
60 min.). Use the "+" and "-" keys to change the parameter value.
No. of auto-reset tests
Defines the number of attempts made to try to resolve a dry run stop condition.
Once this limit is exceeded, the system stops and user intervention is required. By
setting this value to zero, auto-reset is excluded. The maximum number of at-
tempts is 100. Use the "+" and "-" keys to change the parameter value.
Delay at stop
It is possible to define after how many seconds the electric pump is stopped after
closing all uses in P+F mode. If you notice that at low flows, the pump is continu-
ously switched on and off, increase the switch-off delay to make operation
smoother. Increasing this parameter can also be useful in eliminating too frequent
intervention of the dry-running protection, especially in submersible pumps or
those that have difficulty in self-priming. The value can be increased up to a
maximum of 120 seconds. Use the "+" and "-" keys to change the parameter
24h anti-blocking protection
A function that automatically starts the pump after it has been not used for more
than 24 hours. If this function is activated and no pump start is performed within
24 hours, a forced cycle of 15 seconds will be performed to prevent system in-
activity from causing mechanical components (e.g. mechanical seal) to lock. This
will ensure operational reliability of the system.
4°C protection against ice
A function that can help prevent damage due to lowering of the ambient temper-
ature and possible ice formation. In particular, if the ambient temperature drops
below 4 °C, the pump is started every 30 minutes for a duration of 15 seconds to
prevent, if possible, the water inside the pump from freezing quickly.
CAUTION! Although this feature may reduce the possibility of damage due to ice,
it is a good rule of thumb not to use the switchgear and the electric pump in en-
vironments where the temperature may fall below 4 °C . Enabling this function is
not sufficient to guarantee the operation and protection of the system at temper-
atures close to or below 0 °C.
To set the maximum current absorbed by the electric pump in ordinary conditions,
so as to allow the motor itself to stop in case of excessive absorption. The stop
occurs even if the current read during operation is less than 0.5 A following the in-
terruption of the connection between the motor and the switchgear. The tripping
time of the protection for excessive absorption is inversely proportional to the
magnitude of the overload in progress, so a slight overload leads to longer tripping
times while an intense overload makes the interruption much faster. The para-
meter can be set from 0.5 to 16 A using the "+" and "-" keys. To deactivate the
motor current protection, press the "-" key until "OFF" appears on the display.
NOTICE: The factory setting is "OFF". It is therefore necessary to set a maximum
current value to activate the protection.
Pressure limit
Defines a pressure limit threshold whose exceeding causes the overpressure pro-
tection to intervene. The factory setting is OFF, indicating that the protection is
disabled. To set a limit pressure value use the "+" and "-" keys. To disable the
function press the "+" key until OFF appears.