Installation and operating instructions • Drive for Wilo-Helix2.0-VE / Wilo-Medana CH3-LE • Ed.01/2022-06
An optional monitoring function that was switched ON, will be set back to
OFF when a new control mode is selected.
Every setting is stored and will be reloaded after a power cycle.
Minimum pressure detection
The minimum pressure limit detection function detects an undershooting of a minimum
pressure limit. This function is mainly a pipe-burst-detection (detection of big leakage or
broken pipe on discharge side).
If the pressure on discharge side is falling below a user configurable pressure for a user con-
figurable time the motor will stop and an error is raised. When the pressure is above the
limit the pump will restart again immediately. The defined time is preventing the pump
from frequently starts and stops.
The menu item “Min. Pressure detection” is only available for the control
modes p-c and n-const.
Min. pressure detection
Min. pressure
detection: ON/OFF
In menu Setting
Min. pressure detection
Min. pressure detection: ON/OFF
Min. pressure detection: limit
Min. pressure detection: delay
Monitoring Settings
Min. Pressure detection
The function can be switched ON and OFF
If the function is switched ON, the following additional settings appear in the Menu:
Min. pressure detection
Min. pressure
detection: ON/OFF
Min. pressure
detection: limit
Min. pressure
detection: delay
Min. pressure detection: limit
-> The pressure limit used as detection threshold.
Min. pressure detection: delay
->The time the pressure undershot is existing before the error is raised and the motor is
stopped. The delay time is configured in seconds.
The input value of the actual duty point for "Min. pressure limit" shall be
delivered by an external relative pressure sensor connected on pumps dis-
charge side. The relative pressure sensor has to be connected to the ter-
minals AI 1. The AI 1 analog input must be configured accordingly.
Maximum pressure detection
The maximum pressure limit detection function detects overshooting of pressure. The
function is essential for protection of customer installation to avoid over pressure on the
discharge side. If the pressure exceeds an user configurable threshold for 5s, the motor will
stop and an error is raised. When the pressure is below the threshold for an user configur-
able time the motor will restart again. The error will be indicated on the HMI.
The menu item “Max. Pressure detection” is only available for the control
modes p-c and n-const.