20) Install the bottom surface battens, inserting the end with the flat bladed plastic tip and
the metal sleeve into the pocket first.
21) Install the RamAir inlet scoop over the port on the bottom surface near the nose. Reach
in through the port to press the velcro surfaces together to make sure they are mated se-
22) Conduct a complete preflight of the glider, checking all assemblies which have not al-
ready been checked:
Carefully check the entire length of the leading edge pocket to insure that the mylar insert is
lying flat in the pocket. If any section of the mylar is folded under, de-tension the crossbar,
remove the batten closest to the area of distortion, and unfold the mylar. Failure to correct
such a problem will cause a severe alteration of the flight characteristics of the glider which
may lead to a dangerous loss of control.