This product is designed to be used with 1.0-1.5 kg (2.2-
3.3lbs) of WilliamsWarn Light Dry Malt Extract and water to
make 23 Litres (6 US Gallons/5 Imp. Gallons) of wort. Original
Gravity of 1.040-1.048 (10°P- 12°P), fermented to a Final
Gravity of about 1.009 (2.3°P), resulting in 4.1-5.2% alcohol
by volume, 37 Bitterness Units and 6 SRM/12 EBC colour.
Ferment at 15°C/59°F for 3 days and then increase to 18°C/64°F
for a diacetyl rest to complete fermentation after another 3 days.
Cooling can be put on at Day 6 when SG should be about 1.009.
As an option, hop aroma and taste can be elevated if the brewer
makes a hop tea of 1-2 oz. (28-56g) of any Czech (or German)
hops in a French coffee press. Add approx. 900ml of hot boiled
water to the hops, stir and then steep for 20 minutes. Plunge
the solids and add the green, filtered hop tea to the mix of
ingredients in your fermenter (before adding the yeast). Download
the WilliamsWarn User Manual from our website for more details.
A pleasant and appealing Cider.
Our Apple Cider is made from the highest quality apples.
The result is a very dry, clean and crisp cider. The apple flavours
are light and pleasant and the overall taste is refreshing.
The yeast under the lids is a 11g pack of Fermentis S-04 yeast
and a 10g sachet of yeast nutrient is also supplied.
This product is designed to be used as two cans of
WilliamsWarn Dry Cider in order to produce a cider with a good
apple flavour. These two cans should be made up to 23 litres of
juice (5 Imperial gal/6 US gal) by adding water, which should
then be pitched with the yeast after rehydration in water.
Original Gravity: 1.038 (9.5°P). Ferment until Final Gravity is
1.010 (2.5°P) and put the cooling on. DO NOT CLARIFY. The
yeast will settle with the cooling and the cider will be clear.
Alcohol by Volume: 3.7%. Ferment to 1.007 for a dryer cider
of 4.06%
Ferment at 23°C/73°F.
A true Dry Stout with a compelling personality.
Our Dry Stout has a black appearance from the crystal malts,
roasted malts and roasted barley employed in the grain mix. The
result is a great Dry Stout that has liquorice, roasted coffee and
chocolate flavours dominating. The prominent hop bitterness
level helps elevate the dryness, which comes from the roasted
un-malted barley used.
The yeast under the lid is an 11.5g pack of Fermentis S-04
ale yeast.
This product is designed to be used with 1.0-1.5 kg (2.2-
3.3lbs) of WilliamsWarn Light Dry Malt Extract and water to
make 23 Litres (6 US Gallons/5 Imp. Gallons) of wort. Original
Gravity of 1.040-1.048 (10°P- 12°P), fermented to a Final
Gravity of about 1.011 (2.8°P), resulting in 3.9-5.0% alcohol
by volume, 32 Bitterness Units and 50 SRM/100 EBC colour.
Ferment at 23°C/73°F.
This is a noble brew with a crisp finish.
Our Dutch Pilsner is straw-coloured in appearance with a
moderate, lingering bitterness. The yeast employed is a classic
strain that leaves a slightly estery aroma that is typical of
Pilsners from The Netherlands. When used with our light DME
to make an all-malt beer, the combination of ingredients makes
a Pilsner very true to the region.
The yeast under the lid is an 11.5g pack of Fermentis S-23
lager yeast which is commonly used by large breweries in
Western Europe.
This product is designed to be used with 1.0-1.5 kg (2.2-
3.3lbs) of WilliamsWarn Light Dry Malt Extract and water to
make 23 Litres (6 US Gallons/5 Imp. Gallons) of wort. Original
Gravity of 1.040-1.048 (10°P- 12°P), fermented to a Final
Gravity of about 1.009 (2.3°P), resulting in 4.1-5.2% alcohol
by volume, 22 Bitterness Units and 3 SRM/6 EBC colour.
Ferment at 15°C/59°F for 3 days and then increase to
18°C/64°F for a diacetyl rest to complete fermentation after
another 3 days. Cooling can be put on at Day 6 when SG should
be about 1.009.
An authentic Brown Ale with a dark-fruit character.
Our English Brown Ale has a dark brown appearance from a
range of speciality malts employed in the recipe. The resulting
beer has an array of flavours that includes raisins, plums, figs,
nuts, biscuits, caramel and toffee, that last into the finish. The
hops provide a moderate level of bitterness that helps balance
the dark-fruit malt flavours.
The yeast under the lid is an 11g pack of Fermentis S-04
ale yeast.
This product is designed to be used with 1.0-1.5 kg (2.2-
3.3lbs) of WilliamsWarn Light Dry Malt Extract and water to
make 23 Litres (6 US Gallons/5 Imp. Gallons) of wort. Original
Gravity of 1.040-1.048 (10°P- 12°P), fermented to a Final
Gravity of about 1.011 (2.8°P), resulting in 3.9-5.0% alcohol
by volume, 18 Bitterness Units and 25 SRM/50 EBC colour.
Ferment at 23°C/73°F.
A full-bodied English Pale Ale.
Our English Pale Ale has an amber appearance with a moderate
bitterness. Technically, within the BJCP Style Guidelines it is
a Standard Bitter – the lightest of the English bitter types with
respect to alcohol content, colour and bitterness. This beer has
a firm malty start, a touch of fruitiness from the yeast and a long
dry finish from the hops.
The yeast under the lid is an 11g pack of Lallemand
Nottingham Ale yeast.
This product is designed to be used with 1.0-1.5 kg (2.2-
3.3lbs) of WilliamsWarn Light Dry Malt Extract and water to
make 23 Litres (6 US Gallons/5 Imp. Gallons) of wort. Original
Gravity of 1.040-1.048 (10°P- 12°P), fermented to a Final
Gravity of about 1.010 (2.5°P), resulting in 4.0-5.1% alcohol