1. When the beverage is fully fermented or fermented to the
SG you desire, set your desired dispense temperature on the
digital controller (see Figure 41) to its minimum, which is
The temperature control system will control the temperature
of the vessel to the new set-point. It will take about 12
hours for the entire contents of the vessel to become as cold
as your set-point.
Please note that a visual alarm is triggered on the on the
controller when the set-point is 20ºC/36ºF below or 5ºC/9ºF
above the actual temperature. Please ignore this alarm, it is
required only for electrical compliance reasons.
We need the beverage to be as cold as possible for
the clarification of the beverage. You can increase the
temperature in Step 6 if you prefer to drink a warmer
beverage but at this phase of the process we want the yeast
to settle due to the colder temperature and as much chill
haze to form as possible.
Please read Appendix 6 regarding how to set the digital controller and Appendix 7 for
background information on typical fermentations and principles regarding when to
cool the beverage and the effects of cooling the beverage.
In general cooling can be put on at Day 4 for ales and our cider, and Day 6 for lagers.
However you should check fermentation is finished before putting on the cooling. As
discussed in Appendix 7 this can be checked by measuring the Specific Gravity (SG)
and/or checking there is no major activity in the sediment bottle, meaning there are no
longer bubbles of CO
rising constantly. For cider it will be about 1.010 SG on Day 4
and still fermenting about 1.001 SG per day at that stage, but we recommend putting
the cooling on at this point to leave some residual sweetness. See Appendix 7 for
more details.
Fig. 41