or any other similar product should be added now and
stirred into the brew.
8. Once full and if desired, you can take a 100ml sample for a
hydrometer reading of the wort/must initial specific gravity
(also known as original gravity (OG)). See Appendix 3:
Taking S.G. samples & calculating alcohol %’s.
For Standard Kits supplied by WilliamsWarn, you do not need
to take an initial sample as the beers will be SG 1.045 and the
cider 1.038 (when using two cans).
9. If you have been soaking the vessel seal in sanitizer in the
upside-down lid, take the seal and put it back in its groove
on the vessel rim and then dump the sanitiser from the lid
down the drain. If not, proceed to the next step.
10. Check the vessel seal is sitting properly in the groove of the
vessel rim as discussed in Appendix 4 (it may need
a slight stretch as shown in that appendix). Then close
the lid tight. The lid must be closed tight to hold pressure
during fermentation, so use good strength to get a good seal.
Check the VPRV is wound right down to its fully closed
position (clockwise).
11. For first-time users, we suggest testing the lid seal at this
point by adding some pressure to the tank. It is preferable
to perform this before the yeast is added. To do this, open
the 3-way valve clockwise to the arrow pointing to the vessel
pressure gauge, add 0.5 bar of pressure to the vessel and
then close the 3-way valve. Wait 1 minute to check the
pressure holds then release all the CO
from the vessel by
pressing the release button on the VPRV until the vessel
gauge reads 0 bar.
If the pressure does not hold but drops, then release the
pressure from the tank and re-set the seal in the rim and
try the pressure test again (ensure the VPRV is fully closed
also) so that the vessel holds pressure.
Experienced brewers can skip this pressure test step once
confident of obtaining a good lid seal each time.
12. Swirl the yeast in the sediment bottle again and then
firmly screw it onto vessel valve (it screws on anti-clockwise
looking down on the bottle - see Figure 35). For those
without thermometers you can add the dry yeast to the
empty sediment bottle now and attach it to the vessel.
IMPORTANT: The bottle should be screwed on so that
it is
solidly hand-tight
to withstand the pressure during
fermentation. If the bottle is not sealed tight there may
be some leakage during fermentation.
13. Check there is no pressure in the vessel and then open the
vessel valve slowly and gently let in 250ml of wort/must so
that the total volume in the bottle is about 500ml (as read
on the bottle scale) and then close the vessel valve (see
Figure 36). Wait 1 minute so that the rehydrating yeast can
acclimatise to the temperature of the wort/must without
Fig. 32
Fig. 33
Fig. 34
Fig. 35