Pressure sensor CPT2500 with USB adapter CPA2500 and USBsoft
WIKA Operating Instructions, model CPT2500
1 General
The CPA2500-adaptor makes it possible to connect a pressure sensor model CPT2500 directly to the
USB-port of a personal computer. The associated Software USBsoft2500 allows to conduct the moni-
toring settings and to display the measuring data automatically in the adjusted cycle time. This mode is
especially adapted for the analysis of pressure curves and the survey of pressure peaks (with pre-
1.1 Software Operation
This operating manual postulates basic knowledge of how to handle a personal computer with the op-
ating system Windows™. If this is not existent it is recommended to make oneself familiar with the
main features of Windows™ before installing this software (operating manuals, specialised literature,
introductory courses etc.).
1.2 Software License Agreement
The subject matter of the contract is the programs, operating instructions and miscellaneous appertain-
ing material recorded on CD-ROM.
As a registered user you shall be permitted:
to use the copy of the program contained on a single computer.
to produce a backup copy. The copyright note of WIKA shall have
to be attached to this backup copy.
As a registered user you shall be not permitted:
to hand-over to a third party or to make accessible to a third party
the program without prior written approval of WIKA.
to install the program in any form on a multi-user system.
to copy in whole or in part (with the exception of the backup copy), to modify, to translate, to back
develop, to decompile, to disassemble or to decode the program as well as to set up derived vari-
ants from the program.
By purchasing the program you shall only obtain ownership in the CD-ROMs, on which the program is
recorded. The ownership in the rights of the program proper shall not be obtained. All rights to publica-
tion, duplication, processing and exploitation of the program shall remain with WIKA.
WIKA guarantees that the CD-ROM on which the program was recorded is free from defects in material
under normal operating conditions. If the data carriers have a defect, the said can be returned to WIKA
within a period of thirty days after the date of first purchase. The CD-ROMs will be replaced immediate-
ly free of charge.
WIKA guarantees that the program is operational within the keeping of the program description. As it is
not possible at the present state of the art to produce computer programs in such a way that they work
without faults in all applications and combinations, WIKA shall not assume any liability for faultlessness
and the uninterrupted operation of the program. No guarantee shall be given in particular for the fact
that the program meets the requirements of the user or for the fact that the program operates together
with the program selected. The responsibility for the correct selection and the consequences of the use
of the program as well as for the results intended or obtained shall be borne by the buyer (registered
WIKA shall not be liable for any damage, expect for damage which has been caused by gross negli-
gence on the side of WIKA. In this case WIKA shall assume liability for direct injury or property damage
up to ten times the purchase price for each event of damage. WIKA shall not be held liable for any
damage other than the said rendered above. The liability for gross negligence shall be excluded vis-à-
vis merchants.
This contract shall be in force until the registered user terminates it by destroying the program inclusive
of all copies. In addition, the contract shall terminate in case of a violation of these contractual stipula-
tions. The registered user shall be obligated to destroy the program and all copies at the termination of
the contract.