5 Managing Switch
Wieland Electric GmbH | BA001047 (Rev. A) | 06/2018
To access this page, click L2 Switching > 802.1Q VLAN > VLAN Management.
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
VLAN list
Enter the name of the VLAN entry to setup.
VLAN Action
Click the radio button to add or delete the VLAN entry shown in the previous field.
VLAN Name Prefix Enter the prefix to be used by the VLAN list entry in the previous field.
Click Apply to save the values and update the screen.
The ensuing table for VLAN Table settings are informational only: VLAN ID, VLAN Name, VLAN Type and
Edit (click to enter VLAN name).
PVID Settings
The PVID Settings page allows you to designate a PVID for a selected port, define the accepted type and
enable/disable the ingress filtering.
To access this page, click L2 Switching > 802.1Q VLAN > PVID Settings.
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Port Select
Click the drop-down menu to select a port and edit its settings: Port1-10, or Trunk1-
Enter the VLAN ID you want assigned to untagged or priority tagged frames re-
ceived on this port. The value ranges 1 to 4094. The default is 1.
Accepted Type
Click the radio button to specify which frames to forward.
Tag Only discards any untagged or priority tagged frames.
Figure 5.22 L2 Switching > 802.1Q VLAN > VLAN Management
Figure 5.23 L2 Switching > 802.1Q VLAN > PVID Settings