5 Managing Switch
Wieland Electric GmbH | BA001047 (Rev. A) | 06/2018
Link Aggregation
The Link Aggregation function provides LAG information for each trunk. It displays membership status,
link state and membership type for each port.
To access this page, click Monitoring > Link Aggregation.
The ensuing table for Link Aggregation Group Status settings are informational only: LAG, Name, Type,
Link State, Active Member and Standby Member.
The ensuing table for LACP Information settings are informational only: LAG, Port, PartnerSysId, PnKey,
AtKey, Sel, Mux, Receiv, PrdTx, AtState and PnState.
LLDP Statistics
The LLDP Statistics page displays the LLDP statistics.
To access this page, click Monitoring > LLDP Statistics.
Figure 5.7 Monitoring > LLDP Statistics
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Click Clear to reset LLDP Statistics of all the interfaces.
Click Refresh to update the data on the screen with the present state of the data in
the Switch.
The ensuing table for LLDP Global Statistics settings are informational only: Insertions, Deletions, Drops
and Age Outs.
The ensuing table for LLDP Port Statistics settings are informational only: Port, TX Frames (Total), RX
Frames (Total, Discarded and Errors), RX TLVs (Discarded and Unrecognized) and RX Ageouts (Total).