Port learn limit page
Figure 24 shows the port learn limit page
This page is used to limit the number of MAC
addresses that the port can learn. The range is 0-8191.The default value is 8191, which is
also the maximum value, indicating that the port is not configured with learning
restrictions.The list shows the learning limits for all ports.
Pic 24 Port learn limit page
Port trunking configuration page
Figure 25 shows the port trunking configuration page.This page allows the user to
configure port aggregation.The page consists of four parts: Trunk group ID selection, set
the aggregation method, configurable port and group member port.
To create or modify port aggregation, the user needs to select a trunk group ID from ID 1
to 8.The user clicks the corresponding trunk group ID in the list box. The information of
the trunk group is displayed in the group member port.To create a Trunk group, select the
corresponding ID in the trunk group ID, click the button "Create Trunk Group",if
successful, the bracket annotation is created in the ID display bar. If a Trunk group is not
created, the bracket annotation is not created in the ID display bar. To set the port
aggregation method, select an aggregation method in the drop-down box above the list
and click the "Set up aggregation method" button.To add an aggregated port, select the
aggregated port in the configurable port and click the "Member Port =>" button.To
remove a port from an existing port, select the aggregated port in the group member port
and click the "Non-member port <=" key.To delete the entire Trunk group, click the