TS-4 / Sep 2013
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T S - 4 O P E R A T I O N
Microphone Buttons
The Talent Station TS-4 has four Microphone buttons – ON, OFF,
TB, and MUTE.
These buttons are designed to be used to support the usual micro-
phone functions. When the TS-4 is added as a 3rd Party device to a
WheatNet-IP network, the TS-4 creates six LIOs that are directly as-
sociated with the Microphone buttons. The LIOs that are created can
be added to any signal. When connected to a signal that supports the
microphone LIOs, then all the microphone LIOs will work.
Microphone LIOs
The LIOs defined by the TS-4 include the following:
Remote ON. This LIO is set when the Mic ON button is pressed
and unset when the ON button is released.
Remote OFF. This LIO is set when the Mic OFF button is
pressed and unset when the OFF button is released.
Mute. This LIO is set when the MUTE button is pressed and
unset when the MUTE button is released.
Talk Back. This LIO is set when the TB button is pressed and
unset when the TB button is released.
On Tally. When this LIO is set, the Mic ON button is lit.
Off Tally. When this LIO is set, the Mic OFF button is lit.
Within Navigator, the LIOs appear in the LIO Info tab of the
BLADE that the TS-4 was added to as a 3rd Party device, as well as
when adding LIOs to signals.