TS-4 / Sep 2013
page 4 - 5
Miscellaneous Setup
The Miscellaneous Tab is used to specify a number of parameters for the TS‑4
Talent Station.
The setup steps only need to be performed once since the setup information will
be stored in the TS‑4 Flash memory and on your PC. Select the device which you
wish to setup, then use the Device Properties and Miscellaneous
tabs to configure the
various parameters.
The section shows the device
3rd Party Signal Name Prefix
Each Talent Station has a four‑char‑
acter device name. The default name
for the Talent Station‑4 is TS4. The
Talent Stations use the WheatNet‑IP
3rd Party interface to define a signal
for receiving the audio for the head
phone. The name of this signal uses
the four‑character device name as the
first four characters and then HDPN
as the last characters. With the de‑
fault name of TS4, the default signal
name is TS4HDPN. Changing the de
vice name allows customization of the
signal name that can make it easier to
identify the signal in Navigator.
NOTE: When you change the de
vice name, it is necessary to do the
following. First, remove the 3rd Party
device definition for the particular Tal
ent Station from Navigator. Second,
reboot the Talent Station. And third,
add the 3rd Party device definition back into Navigator.
NOTE: In most places, the 3rd Party device name is displayed next to the signal
name and can also be used to help distinguish signals when multiple Talent Stations
are in use.