TS-4 / Sep 2013
page 4 - 3
Online Check Box
The online check box allows you to set your GUI offline when you are not con
nected to a device. If the online check box is checked, the GUI will be trying to estab
lish a TCP connection to the device which is selected in the device list. If you are not
on the same network as the device or the device is powered off, the GUI may appear
to pause occasionally while it’s trying to reconnect. Unchecking the online box will
prevent the GUI from attempting to make any connections.
Note that the far right portion of the main window status line displays the selected
device name and the current connection status. In the example shown on the previous
page the connection status is “Connected”.
Add / Edit Device Dialog
When the device Add...
is selected, the dialog box on
the right will appear. If
is selected a similar box will
appear, labeled Edit Device.
You must define the name, type and IP address for your
device in this dialog box. The
field specifies the de
vice name which will appear in the device list. The IP Ad-
dress is the IP address of the device which the GUI will
connect to when the device is selected. The Device Type
must be configured so that the script wizard can generate
the proper number of buttons for the device you are pro‑
Mapped BLADE Configuration
You will need to setup your TS‑4 with the IP address of
a host blade. The Host BLADE is the BLADE which your
TS‑4 uses as a portal into the WheatNet‑IP system for most
control aspects (i.e. cross point routing, salvos, etc).
The setup steps only need to be performed once since
the setup information will be stored in the programmable
panel’s Flash memory and on your PC. Select the device
which you wish to setup, then use the Device Properties and
Blades tabs to specify the IP address of the BLADE which
the panel will communicate with.
If you are not connected to the TS‑4, you are
looking at the device properties which are stored on your
PC’s hard drive. These properties may not truly reflect the
properties of your device, if the device has been more re‑
cently configured from another PC.