Limit Switch B
Magnetic Ring
Limit Switch A
The gate is closed.
Press one of the buttons on the remote control and release. The gate opens
and stops at the adjusted position.
Wait until the gate is completely opened. If the function automatic closing
time is adjusted, wait until the gate closes automatically.
If the automatic closing time function is not adjusted, press the button on the
remote control again, in order to close the gate.
When the gate starts moving, press the button again and the gate will stop
immediately. When pressing the button on the remote control again, the gate
will reverse direction and stop at the adjusted position.
Adjusting the Limit Switch
The gate is opened or closed with the moving rod. As soon as the limit switch
position is reached, the gate opener switches off.
Hint: Usually the limit switches A on the gate opener 1 und 2 are well adjusted by
factory and should remain in this position.
Adjusting the Limit Switch for gate opener 1
Retract the moving rod completely and loosen the limit switch B with the
Philips screwdriver.
Slide the limit switch to the desired position and re-tighten the screw.
Adjusting the Limit Switch for gate opener 2
Proceed as mentioned for the gate opener 1.
Attention: The built-in magnetic ring has to be positioned between the limit switch
A and B. That means, limit switch B should not be pushed too close to the limit
switch A.