9.5. Code Settings
Available code algorithms can be activated or deactivated with the Symbols menu. After clicking an individual
code, additional setting options appear for the respective code.
9.5.1. Code 39
Code 39 is a standard code except for commercial applications. It’s capable of portraying alphanumeric sym-
bols. The code includes definitive start and stop characters and is made up of 9 black and white elements per
line, of which 3 are wide.
Standard code 39 supports 43 characters: 0 to 9, uppercase letters A through Z, $, :, /, ., + and –.
9.5.2. Code 11
Code 11 is a numeric code with start and stop characters. The code is secured by means of a checksum. It’s
used primarily in the communications industry.
9.5.3. Code 128
This is a highly dense alphanumeric code. It’s capable of encrypting all 128 ASCII characters. Variously wide
elements are used in the code. The code has a variable length.