Single Wire
In earlier days of higher sampling rates (88.2 kHz and upwards) there were no chips avail-
able for transmitting or receiving AES/EBU or S/PDIF audio data at those higher rates. The
intermediate solution uses two chips (i.e connectors / cables) to transfer a stereo 96kHz sig-
nal, one channel per link. This format has been standardized by the AES (Audio Engineering
Society). In short it is called dual wire format. Older D/A converters may still emply that for-
mat for high sample rates. The MAN301 can be set to dual wire mode for sampling rates of
176.4 or 192 kHz.
All other „standard“ AES/EBU or S/PDIF connections which use a single link for a stereo
signal are called a „single wire“ link.
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Dual Wire