This window is the interface for the MAN301 audio input / out-
put configuration.
In the lower half (the „Operating Mode“ menu) the main operat-
ing mode of the MAN301 can be selected:
- The
is the standard network player mode.
- The
allows the MAN301 to play any audio stream sub-
mitted to the MAN301 from a third party device.
- The
is the pre-amplifier mode which is now selected
from here.
In the upper half (the „Global Settings“ menu) these parameters
can be chosen:
- The
„Audio Device“
used for playback. This can be the built in
D/A Converter or any external D/A converter device. If you have
connected an external D/A Converter via USB or Firewire to the
MAN301 you may need to select that one instead of the
MAN301 Audio Device. Tap on the MAN301 pad to select.
- The
and „
Rate Mode“
allow to set the sam-
pling frequency either from an internal source or from an exter-
nal source. The synchronization frequency can be set such that
it changes according to the track played or such that it is at a
fixed frequency and the audio is converted to that frequency as
- The
is a broadcast stream of the music played on
the MAN301 via the network. This allows to play the MAN301