User Manual Managed Switches
The following information can be displayed on the page:
Indicates the QCL user.
Indicates the index of QCE.
Indicates the list of ports configured with the QCE.
Frame Type
Indicates the type of frame to look for incoming frames. Possible frame
types are:
Any: The QCE will match all frame type.
Ethernet: Only Ethernet frames (with Ether Type 0x600-0xFFFF) are
LLC: Only (LLC) frames are allowed.
SNAP: Only (SNAP) frames are allowed.
IPv4: The QCE will match only IPV4 frames.
IPv6: The QCE will match only IPV6 frames.
Indicates the classification action taken on ingress frame if parameters
configured are matched with the frame's content. There are six action
CoS: Classified QoS class; if a frame matches the QCE, it will be put in
the queue.
DPL: Drop Precedence Level; if a frame matches the QCE, then DP level
will set to a value displayed under DPL column.
DSCP: If a frame matches the QCE, then DSCP will be classified with the
value displayed under DSCP column.
Displays ‘Yes’ if there is a HW conflict related with the created QCE.
Otherwise displays ‘No’.
3.11 Multicast
Multicast filtering improves the performance of networks that carry multicast traffic. This section
explains multicasts, multicast filtering, and how multicast filtering can be implemented on your
Weidmüller switch.
3.11.1 The Concept of Multicast Filtering
What is an IP Multicast?
is a packet sent by one host to multiple hosts. Only those hosts that belong to a specific
multicast group will receive the multicast. If the network is set up correctly, a multicast can only be
sent to an end-station or a subset of end-stations on a LAN or VLAN that belong to the multicast
group. Multicast group members can be distributed across multiple subnets, so that multicast
transmissions can occur within a campus LAN or over a WAN. In addition, networks that support IP
multicast send only
copy of the desired information across the network until the delivery path that