Weidmuller Wireless Ethernet Modem & Device Server WI-MOD-E-G/A User Manual
APPENDIX D - External Iperf Test
This Appendix shows how to set up and use the Iperf application to test the throughput of Ethernet Modems.
Iperf is a tool used to measure the throughput and quality of a network link. Jperf is used in conjunction with Iperf and
displays the Iperf data results graphically. This instruction covers both Iperf and Jperf, it does not cover the setup and
configuration of the modems. Details of this can be found in previous sections.
2 x Ethernet Modems configured as a bridge
2 x PC Computers with Ethernet Ports
Suitable Power Supplies for the Ethernet Modems
Straight through Ethernet cables
Iperf / Jperf Application
The Application can be downloaded from the following link,
,download and save to a
location on your PC.
Extract to zip file to the ROOT directory on your PC, i.e. C:\. This folder contains the main Iperf application as well as the
Jperf graphical interface.
Copy this folder to the 2
PC or download to the second PC and extract as per above instructions.
Iperf Applications
The Iperf /Jperf application needs to be run on the PC or laptop at each end of the wireless link that is to be tested.
At the Server PC open a Command prompt by selecting Windows Start/run and enter “CMD”.
When command prompt appears we need to set the directory to where the Iperf application resides, i.e. where it was
saved above, and from here run the Iperf server command “iperf – s”. See Figure 1
Figure 1
Note: If you get a security pop up on PC select Unblock for the application to run.
Iperf server application is now running and waiting for a Client connection.
On the Client PC open up a CMD prompt and change the directory to jperf-2.0.2\bin as performed above for the server.
This time enter the Iperf command to start the client communication to the server. “Iperf –c <IP address of Server PC> -w
65535. See Figure 2