The King’s Treasure
A group placement game
3 years +
Players: 1 child or a group of 2 - 4 children
Duration: approx. 5 - 15 min.
You will need:
gemstone fragments, template cards
The princes and princesses are trying to put back together their fathers’
treasure following the templates!
aim of the game
is to work together to exactly reconstruct the patterns
on the template cards using the gemstone fragments.
Setting up the game:
Mix the gemstone fragments and lay them out in a grid pattern.
If the players are younger or more inexperienced children, the gemstone
fragments should be face-up so that the gemstones can clearly be seen.
The game is more diffi cult, if the gemstone fragments are laid out
face-down in a grid (see: “variation with face-down gemstone fragments”).
Mix the template cards and stack them face-down in the middle of the
table. The children take 1 - 3 cards from the stack and place them face-up
in front of them so that everyone can see them clearly.
The number of template cards should be adapted to the
age and ability of the children.
How the game works:
If the children have 2 or more placement cards, they push them together to
make a larger placement area to create an imaginative pattern that could
represent a work of art or jewel.
The players take their turn in a clockwise direction. The youngest child
begins and picks up a gemstone fragment that he or she thinks will fi t into
the template / one of the templates.
The children look together: do the
colours of the gemstones match those
on the template?
• No … What a pity. The child puts the
gemstone fragment back in the
same place. The next child takes
their turn.
• Yes! The child gets to keep the
gemstone fragment and places it on
the template.
Game idea 1
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