Hot Treasure!
A sparkling game of risk
7 years
Players: 2 - 3
Duration: approx. 10 - 20 min.
You will need:
gemstone fragments, template cards
Who dares, wins... the goodwill of the King! Because whoever can put
together their treasure fi rst becomes the treasure keeper. Careful! If you
hesitate for too long, the other players might snap up all the fragments you
need. But if you are too risky, you might fall fl at on your face...
aim of the game
is to be the fi rst to complete three treasures, while
carefully calculating the risk!
Setting up the game:
Mix the gemstone fragments well and arrange them face-down in a grid.
Mix the template cards and stack them face-down.
How the game works:
The players take their turn in a clockwise direction. Each child takes 1
template from the stack and places it face-up in front of them. That is the
treasure that he or she has to put together.
The youngest player begins. He or she turns over a gemstone fragment. Does
the fragment match?
• No? The child covers it up again.
This turn ends and the next child takes their turn.
• Yes! The child has to decide:
He or she can
either keep the fragment. This means that it is the end of
this turn and time for the next child to take their turn.
Or keep playing and turn over another fragment.
Now the players look again: does this fragment fi t too?
• No! The child puts back this one and the fi rst one they took!
• Yes! The child has to decide:
He or she can
either keep both fragments. This means that it is
the end of this turn and time for the next child to take their turn.
Or keep playing and turn over a third fragment.
Each child can turn over up to 3 gemstone fragments if he or
she wants to and take a risk. Only if the fragments fi t the template, of
course. As soon as a fragment does not fi t the template, the player loses all
of the fragments he or she has turned over in this turn!
If a child has completed a template, he or she puts the gemstone fragments
face-down back in the middle of the table and keeps the template that has
just been completed as a “point”. The player then takes a new template. The
next child takes their turn.
How the game ends:
The game ends when a player has been able to completely reconstruct his or
her 3 treasures. He or she is the winner and is named “treasure keeper”.
Game idea 3
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