Ball swing
Dear Customer,
Your ball swing has an unusual design that encourages children to swing and rock. We hope you
have fun with our product. Safety information has a grey background.
Please read the safety information carefully. Please keep these instructions for future reference.
If you sell or pass on this item please make sure that you also pass on these instructions.
Safety information
Only use the ball swing as described in these instructions to avoid accidental injury or damage.
The warranty becomes void if non-original spare parts are used. The manufacturer and seller
accept no responsibility for any other use of the product or for incorrect use of the product.
Intended use
Caution! For use under adult supervision only. For indoor use only.
Risks for children
Children under 3 years of age cannot correctly assess the risks posed by moving objects, such as
this ball swing, so this ball swing should not be used by children under 3 years of age.
Danger of overloading
The ball swing is only approved for one person or max. 100kg.
Danger zone
A clear area of at least 2m radius, measured from the furthest reach of the ball swing, must be
maintained. When in use, make sure that there are no other people, furniture or other objects in
the danger zone that could be dangerous during use.
Danger - hard surfaces
The fl oor covering under the ball swing should have shock-absorbing properties, e.g. foam rubber
matting or carpet with long pile. Caution! Do not mount the ball swing above concrete
or other hard surfaces (e.g. tiles), Minimum distance between the ground and the ball: 13 3/4“, 35 cm!
Danger - incorrect attachment of the extensions
Hook the extension onto the ceiling attachment using one eyelet and hook the other end onto
the clip. This connects the extension to the ball swing.
Danger - incorrect fi ttings
Only use hooks rotated by 540° or a screw eyelet with min. 10mm material
diameter to prevent unscrewing and material breakage
or use our t-profi le rail system (item no. 146100) for mounting.
Strength of the support material
Make sure that the material into which the screw hook or eyelet are screwed has a suffi cient
load bearing capacity. Otherwise, the ball swing may become detached from the anchorage
during use.
Danger - defective straps and/or ropes
Check the ball swing for defects before each use. Check ropes, rings, fabric, mounting, seams
and suspension devices for signs of wear and replace if necessary. While making your checks,
ropes should be untwisted so far that the inside can be seen. If damage can be seen, the swing
should be immediately withdrawn from use.
Risk posed by an open screw clip
Once you have suspended the ball swing, screw the clip shut again, otherwise the ball swing
may become detached from the mounting. The protective cover must be pulled over the clip.
Protection against pinching and crushing! Failure to follow this advice could result in injury.
G-056889-schaukelball-produktinformation.indd 5
16.10.17 09:45