Pump and Fluid Systems
Chapter 2: Storage & Installation
MP-16 2-Piece 5000 psi January 2013
Returning to Service
The first step in returning to service is to remove all covers on both the power end and the
fluid end and to clean and inspect all finished surfaces. Replace any significantly damaged,
rusted or corroded components.
Any pump that has been in storage for any reason, including unused
units shipped straight from the plant, should receive a full inspection to
make sure it has not suffered damage and that all parts are properly set
in place. Failure to do so can result in serious equipment damage and
injury to personnel upon startup.
Power End
Check all bearings to ensure that they are clean and in good condition. Check the oil
reservoir for the possible accumulation of condensation, and drain and flush by removing the
pipe plugs on either side. Fill the power end with lubricant to the proper level with a clean EP
gear oil of the proper viscosity (see 4.3: Lubrication on page 29). Make sure the oil is poured
into the crosshead reservoir and worked into all of the bearings.
Fluid End
The valves, pistons, liners and all fluid end parts must be properly installed and in good
working condition. Carefully tighten all of the bolts, nuts; studs, working connections and
covers, and fill the liner wash system with fresh water containing either water-soluble oils or
detergents in order to keep the pistons properly lubricated.
Local weather conditions may require varying concentrations of coolants for optimal
operation. Some trial and error may be required to get the best concentration of coolants for
local conditions.