Pump and Fluid Systems
Chapter 6: Glossary
MP-16 2-Piece 5000 psi January 2013
Fluid Module:
A portion of a multi-part fluid
cylinder, usually designed to handle either
suction or discharge.
Frame Extension:
See Cradle.
Gear End:
See Power End.
A threaded adjusting nut located at the
atmospheric side of the stuffing box, used to
compress the packing. Also known as the
Adjusting Nut.
A portion of the pump designed to protect
users by preventing access to potentially
hazardous areas or blocking debris.
Heat Exchanger:
A device designed to transfer
heat from one medium to another.
Hydrogen Sulfide:
A colorless gas with a rotten
egg smell that often forms in crude oil, natural
gas and hot springs. The gas is explosive and
corrosive to machine parts, and exposure is
extremely hazardous to humans and animals in
small doses, and lethal at as low as 8 parts per
million. Also known as Sour gas.
Jib Crane:
A light duty crane mounted atop the
pump for handling heavy equipment when
servicing the pump. Also known as the Service
Internal Lubricating Pump:
See Pump, Internal
A mechanical lifting device driven by
turning a lead screw.
An arrhythmic pounding in the fluid
end, usually the result of aeration of the fluid.
The hardened chamber through which the
piston moves and applies its force to pumping
the fluid.
Liner Bushing:
The removable metal frame into
which the liner is inserted. Also known as the
Liner Retainer.
Liner Lock Ring:
A ring which screws into place
over the liner bushing to hold the liner in place.
Also known as the Liner Retainer Nut.
Liner Retainer:
See Liner Bushing.
Liner Retainer Nut:
See Liner Lock Ring.
Liner Spray System:
See Liner Wash System.
Liner Wash Pump:
See Pump, Liner Wash.
Liner Wash System:
A lubrication system
consisting of a number of valves which spray
lubricants onto the pistons and extension rods.
Also known as the Liner Sprayer System.
Liner Wash Tank:
Storage tank for the liner wash
fluid, including a settling section and a reservoir
Liquid Cylinder:
See Fluid Cylinder.
Liquid End:
See Fluid End.
A liquid designed to reduce friction.
Main Bearing:
See Bearing, Main.
Main Crankshaft Bearing:
See Bearing, Main.
Main Gear:
The heavy-duty gear affixed to the
crankshaft which translates motion from the
pinion rod.
A chamber which accepts and directs
the flow of fluid.
Manifold, Discharge:
A manifold which accepts
fluid from the individual discharge valves and
directs it to the discharge valve assemblies.
Manifold, Suction:
A manifold which accepts
fluid from the suction ports and distributes it to
the suction valve assemblies.
See Fluid, Drilling.
Mud Pit:
A tank near the rig into which mud is
Nose plate:
The vertical steel plate on the power
end onto which the fluid ends are connected.
The material used to provide a seal
around the plunger.
The measure of the acidity or basicity of a
A gear with a small number of teeth
designed to mesh with the main gear.
Pinion Rod:
A rod containing the pinion designed
to transfer motive power from the prime mover
to the crankshaft via the pinion and main gear.
Also known as the Pinion Shaft.
Pinion Shaft:
See Pinion Rod.