MF Freezer
Operating manual
WCB Ice Cream
PLC Analog Output 1
On this screen you can see the status of the first analog output in the PLC. The output range goes
from 0 to 100 percent, which is converted in the PLC´s analog output module to 4 to 20 mA.
This analog output is controlling the speed of the pumps
If you press K5 (Escape) you will return to the previous Maintenance Screen. By pressing K10 (Enter)
you will go to the next Maintenance screen:
PLC Analog Output 2
On this screen you can see the status of the second analog output in the PLC. The output range goes
from 0 to 100 Percent which is converted in the PLC´s analog output module to 4 to 20 mA.
This analog output is controlling the opening of the freezers backpressure valve.
If you press K5 (Escape) you will return to the previous Maintenance Screen. K10 (Enter) will not work
since this screen is the last screen in the maintenance sub menu.