4.6 Heating and cooling outputs
The behavior of the outputs (Free contact) is dependent of the DIP3 (See 3.3):
• DIP3 = OFF. The heating/cooling output is activated when there is a heating or a cooling demand
in the installation.
• DIP3 = ON. The Heating or cooling output is triggered constantly following the mode of the
installation (heating or cooling).
In case of RF failure, the heating output is triggered all the time.
4.7 External antenna
The distance between 2 devices with internal antenna should be at least 50cm.
The controller embeds an internal antenna. If require, an external antenna can be connected to
improve the RF communication. It could be useful if the WFC-03 HCM RF 230 is installed inside a
metallic box. In that case, you need to install the external antenna outside the metallic box.
Please respect the mounting to optimize sensitivity and avoid any dysfunction.
Antenna must be installed:
• Outside the metallic box.
• In vertical position.
• And at least at 50cm of metallic parts.
Metallic box