Lync WQ-AS
L- OMM-007_A
Technical Support • (800) 433-5654 • Mon-Fri, 8 am - 5 pm EST
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Home Screen
is the normal operating screen for the
system. In this graphic the lamp is operating at full power. If an
alarm or warning condition occurs, the system will notify the
user from this screen.
This graphic shows the lamp to be in a dimmed condition to
reduce water temperature and conserve energy.
If the system detects low UV intensity, a yellow warning will
appear. If the UV intensity is too low for safe operation a red
warning will appear. In either condition the system should be
checked immediately for proper operation.
The system will reset an annual calendar upon replacement of a
new lamp. When 29 days remain on any given lamp, a yellow
warning will appear. Upon zero days remaining on the lamp, a
red warning will appear. Replace lamp at this time.