Error 2
- Valve is searching for homing slot.
Allow valve to continue running. If the homing slot is found, the valve will return to the home display, oth
erwise, another error code will appear.
Error 3
- No encoder slots are being seen.
This occurs when the motor is running, but the encoder is not seeing any of the slots in the encoder wheel.
This can happen if the encoder has been disconnected, but most commonly occurs when debris in the
valve body has stopped the piston, causing the encoder wheel to be unable to turn.
1. Check encoder connection. If the encoder is plugged in and snapped into place, skip to step #2
below. If encoder is disconnected, reconnect it and cycle power to clear the error.
2. Disconnect powerhead from valve body, cycle power to clear the error code. Manually cycle the
powerhead through the regeneration cycle steps to verify that the motor can cycle properly while
the powerhead is disconnected from the valve body. If the error 3 does not reappear, skip to step
#3 below. If the error 3 does reappear, order a board & motor kit to replace the circuit board &
3. Remove piston and seals from the valve body and inspect valve body for debris. Replace the seal
& spacer kit. Inspect piston and replace piston if Teflon coating is worn
Error 4
- Unable to find homing slot.
1. Check encoder wheel for debris.
2. Cycle power. Valve should either find home or go to a different error code. If error 4 returns,
replace powerhead assembly.
Error 5
- Motor overload.
This occurs when the motor current is too high. This could be caused by an issue with the motor itself, but
is typically caused by friction in the valve body
1. Disconnect powerhead from valve body and cycle power to clear the error code.
2. If the error 5 returns, replace the motor. Otherwise, manually cycle the powerhead through the
regeneration cycle steps to verify that the motor can cycle properly while the powerhead is dis
connected from the valve body. Either way, proceed to the next step.
3. Remove piston and seals from the valve body and inspect valve body for debris. Replace the seal
& spacer kit. Inspect piston and replace piston if Teflon coating is worn.
Error 6
- No motor current.
This typically occurs if the motor cable has come unplugged from the circuit board. Check that the motor
cable is plugged into the circuit board and attached to the motor. If this is not the issue, the motor or cir
cuit board may need to be replaced.
No Display
If your display is blank, there is no power going to the circuit board due to one of the following factors:
• The electrical outlet is not powered or is switched off
• The power cable has come unplugged from the circuit board
• The power supply has come unplugged from your electrical outlet
• The power supply has come unplugged from the control valve
• The power supply is not working
Error Codes