EAN8 (with or without Addon)
EAN13 (with or without Addon)
Code 93
Code 128
EAN 128
3.9 Negative Barcodes
The scanner can be configured to read negative barcodes. Normally, barcodes are
printed with the color of the bars darker than that of the spaces. But for negative
barcodes, they are printed in the opposite sense just like negative films. The spaces
of the negative barcodes are printed with a color darker than that of the bars.
4. Output Interface (Base Unit)
The WWS800/850 is a multi-interface scanner. It can be used as a keyboard wedge
scanner, an RS-232 scanner, or a USB scanner. The output interface can be
programmed using the setup barcodes in this manual.
Please ensure that you have an RF connection between the scanner and the base
prior to selecting the interface type.
4.1 Keyboard Wedge Interface
Keyboard Type
The keyboard wedge interface is enabled by configuring/selecting keyboard type.
The supported keyboard types are listed below.
PCAT - US, French German, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, UK, Belgium,
Spanish, and Portuguese KBD
IBM 3477 TYPE (Japanese KBD)
IBM 34XX, 319X & Memorex Telex (122Keys)
4.1.2 Keyboard Style - Alphabets
Keyboard layout style can be selected. There are three options to this setting:
default layout (US or English style), AZERTY layout, and QWERTZ layout. This
setting only works when the keyboard type selected is for US keyboard. The
scanner will make necessary adjustment when sending the ‘A’, ‘Q’, ‘W’, ‘Z’, ‘Y’,
and ‘M’ character according to this setting.
4.1.3 Keyboard Style – Digits
There are two digit layout styles as shown on the following figures. One has digit
on top (upper row) of a key and another has digits on bottom (lower row) of a key.
The digit layout style can be changed by the following configuration settings.
There are three options:
Lower Row
, and
Upper Row
. The scanner will
make necessary adjustment when sending digits according to the setting value of
this parameter. This setting is used with the above setting (Keyboard Style –
Alphabets) and perhaps Character Substitution setting, when support to languages
not available on the scanner is needed.
! @ # $
1 2 3 4
Digits on Lower Row