the initial (first time) connection setup, this setting must be enabled. User can
disable this setting for security reasons after initial connection setup is completed.
5.1.4 Update Settings
After all the desired settings are completed, the “Update” barcode must be scanned
to make the new settings effective. The scanner will re-start itself after “Update”
barcode is scanned.
5.1.5 Timeout
The scanner will stay active only for one minute waiting for connection. If there is
no connection request during that period, the scanner will go to power down mode
to conserve power with three serial descending tones as indication. User can make
the scanner go back to active mode by pulling the trigger. And again, the scanner
will stay active for another one minute waiting for connection before it goes to
power down mode again.
Once there is a successful connection, the scanner will
stay active until the connection is closed (when the host application closes the
COM port).
After the connection is closed, the scanner will again wait for new
connection request for one minute before it goes to power down mode.
6. Bluetooth HID
The 800/850 scanner can be configured to the standard Bluetooth HID as data
output interface. This will make the 800/850 scanner sends the scanned barcode
data to Bluetooth enabled computer or PDA directly without the base unit
(however, a charging dock is still needed for charging the 800/850 battery).
This section illustrates a step-by-step installation and configuration procedures of
the 800/850 for Bluetooth HID. Bluetooth transceivers/dongles always come with
their own driver or Windows XP with service pack2 provides the build-in
Bluetooth driver. There are several Bluetooth device drivers for Windows and
WinCE/Pocket PC from different companies. Here we use Window XP with
service pack2 build-in Bluetooth driver and WIDCOMM driver as examples. For
detail installation procedures, please refer to the user’s manual of the Bluetooth
transceiver in use.
NOTE: Bluetooth HID doesn’t support the following functions on PDA:
Capital Lock Setting: Auto Detection
Digit Transmission: Numeric Key
Alt Composing
6.1 Configuring WWS800/850
Before starting the configuration, the scanner must be powered up. If you have not
done so, please follow the procedures described in section 2.2 “Power Up the
WWS800/850” to power up the scanner.
First step of the configuration is always to put the scanner in configuration mode
by scanning the “Enter Setup” barcode. After all the desired configurations are
done, the “Update” barcode must be scanned to save the new settings and put the
scanner back to normal operation mode.
6.1.1 Activate Bluetooth HID Interface
The HID keyboard interface is enabled by configuring/selecting the HID keyboard
type. The supported HID keyboard types are listed below: US, French German,
Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, UK, Belgium, Spanish, and Portuguese KBD.