Warner Electric • 800-825-9050
P-2003-2 • 819-0420
Theory of Operation
When in operation, the control is powered by a
standard 115/230 VAC line . The control has a
transformer that converts that voltage to a level
suitable for any 24 VDC brake system . The signal is
rectified to DC and pulse width modulated (PWM) to
the desired brake current via the TENSION ADJUST
knob .
The front panel TENSION ADJUST feeds a small
voltage to a comparator, which compares this signal
to a triangular wave . This is where the PWM pulse is
generated . This pulse is then inverted and used to
drive a power circuit . The main brakes and a sense
brake are then energized by the power circuit at
regular intervals . From the sense brake, a growth and
decay signal is converted to a voltage that can be
added to the signal by setting a jumper on the inside
of the cover . This signal, when selected, is used to
maintain constant current to the brake . The signal
must not be selected when no sense brake is
connected .
The control has several options that allow for
external/remote tension adjust in addition to the
tension adjust pot on the front of the panel . Two such
options are the remote pot or a roll follower . Another
is the option for an analog input of voltage or current
from a PLC or ultrasonic sensor . A special feature of
the analog inputs is that they are optically isolated
from the rest of the control circuitry if an external
power source is used to power the isolated circuits .
The isolation is needed when using a PLC or an
external power supply for the ultrasonic sensor . An
internal power source is also available and jumpered
in as default if isolation is not necessary . The tension
adjust pot on the front of the panel becomes a span
adjust when any of the external control options are
connected .
The control also has the capability to duplicate the
front panel selector switch at a remote location .
Brake “off” mode overrides the tension adjustment
and provides for resetting the short circuit indicator .
In the “run” mode, output operation is normal and is
controlled by any of the front panel or remote tension
adjust features discussed above . The brake “stop”
mode provides for full output current to the brake .
The two indicators on the front of the panel are
green for “power on” and red to indicate a short
circuit . When a short occurs in the brake, the control
disables the power circuits to prevent damage . Turn
the switch to “off” to reset the short circuit indicator .
Because this is a basic tension control, no anti-residual
circuits, zero adjust circuits, or other complex control
circuits (found in other Warner Electric tension control
systems) are included in the TCS-200-1 series controls .
Technical Specifications
TCS200-1 and TCS200-1H
Input Power
115/230 VAC 50/60 Hz
Output TCS-200-1
Adjustable 0-24 VDC . Maximum of 4 .25 amps
continuous . Can be used with any 24 VDC
tension brake with or without the need for a
sense coil .
Output TCS-200-1H
Adjustable 0-24 VDC . Maximum of 5 .8 amps
continuous . Can be used with any 24 VDC
tension brake with or without the need for a
sense coil .
Ambient Temperature
-20° to 125° F (-29° to 51° C)
2 .5 Amp, 250 VAC, Slow-Blow
Internal short-circuit protection on driver output
Sensor Inputs
• Remote Torque Adjust 1,000
• Roll Follower 1,000
• Analog voltage input, 0-10 VDC (Optically isolated
when 15-35 VDC supplied from external source)
• Analog current input, 4-20mA (Optically isolated
when 15-35 VDC supplied from external source)