We congratulate you for preferring the Warmhaus combi
boiler to maintain your heating and hot use water comfort
for long years and thank for your trust. Warmhaus combi
boiler, manufactured in accordance with EU standards and
advanced technology, are also being imported to many
countries. You can benefit from our Authorized Technical
Service network having occupational competency
certificate for all kinds of ordinary maintenance
requirements for this product manufactured with rigorous
studies. Our Authorized Services guarantee protection of
your device performance as they always provide original
spare parts service. Read this guide carefully in order to
use the combi boiler in an economic, comfortable and
efficient way and keep as a source of application.
In order to ensure efficient use, we initially recommend
you to have the installation performed by a certified
dealer experienced and competent in installation by the
local gas authority.
Guide Book is an inseparable and integral part of the
product and should be delivered to the new user when
the device is transferred. This book should be carefully
protected and referred to when necessary, as it contains
important information regarding installation and
operation of the product.
Radiator and DHW installations should be
performed by a competent and certified
engineering company in accordance with
measurements defined based on laws by
considering legal regulations in force.
Installation and Maintenance operations
should be performed by the expert personnel
having adequate technical knowledge in
installations sector and occupational
competency certificate in accordance with legal
regulations in force. As the result of a false installation,
dangers may occur which the manufacturer company
cannot be held responsible for and may damage people,
other live beings (animals, plants) or commodities.
Natural Gas Installation Project; One of the
dealers authorized by a gas company located
at your city should be preferred for performing
project and etude studies.
In order to enable use of the combi boiler with
LPG bottles or LPG tanks, conversation of the
combi boiler should be performed by our
authorized Warmhaus service. Project design
and application for LPG use should be performed by the
company supplying the tank in accordance with local and
legal rules.
The Manufacturer company shall not have
any responsibilities within or out of the
agreement scope due to failures arising from
failing to follow legal regulations in force and
standards and information given in this guide book (and
information and instructions provided by the
manufacturer under any circumstances) during
installation, use or maintenance operations and device
warranty shall also be void.
Only the authorized Warmhaus Service is
authorized to make the electrical connection of
combi boiler and supplying electricity to the
combi boiler.
The maintenance and repairs as the result of failure of
the product within the warranty period due to material,
production and installation errors shall be performed as
free of charge without claiming any workmanship costs
and spare part payments.
This device should only be used for its
designed intended purposes (to be used in
closed-circuit heater installation and
production of open circuit domestic hot water
production). All kinds of other uses are not suitable and
may create a potential danger.
Manufacturer shall not be responsible for damages
occurring due to interventions, false installation and
initial starting performed by unauthorized persons and
warranty scope shall be void. As the combi boiler is
a device having heating system, domestic hot water,
natural gas/LPG and electrical connections, do not make
and have any interventions made without the authorized
Any interference with a sealed component is
Device maintenance operations should be
performed by the authorized and expert
technical personnel.
Children must not operate the combi boiler.