Description of the Error
Probable Cause
E 94
Possible low gas pressure or
exhaust recirculation
Boiler does not work, E94
error code flashing on the
> Gas inlet pressure LOW
> Recirculation on fluegas
> Blokage on flue or wrong
> Aging or rust on the
> Electrode position
> Combustion calibration
> Gas valve failiure
> Electronic board
1-) Call for authorised service at first
2-) Check wrong flue OR flue gas blockage
3-) Check recirculation ( flue gas leak ) from flue gas path to fresh air
side, check flue gas sealings specially
4-) Check any problems on the ionisation electrode, (like condensation,
rust etc.), and control poistioning of the electrode, if electrode poistion
wrong calibrate electrode according to user manual page 118 or 119
5-) Check combustion CO2 or O2 values on HI and LO mode at sweep-
er mode according to direction of manual page 67- 70
6-) Perform Auto Calibration according to page 76 or 77
7-) if not successfull replace gas valve, and Perform Au-To calibration
according to page 76 or 77
8-) If fault still persists Replace board, but use original service key
from the board dismantled to keep original parameters and calibration
points. If original service key not used aslo adjust P15 releated to the
default value of boiler power and perform Au-To calibration according
to page 76 or 77
Attention: Only authorised service must perform Au-To
E 95
Intermittent combustion
Boiler does not work, E95
error code flashing on the
> Harness on electrode and
> Aging or rust on the
> Electrode position
> Combustion calibration
1-) Call for authorised service at first
E 96
Flue or air suction way
Boiler does not work, E96
error code flashing on the
> Blokage on flue
> Blokage on air suction path
1-) Call for authorised service at first
E 98
SW error, board start-up
error fault
Boiler does not work, E98
error code flashing on the
> Boiler software problem
1-) Call for authorised service at first
E 99
Generic fault
Boiler does not work, E99
error code flashing on the
> Boiler electronic hardware
1-) Reset & Restart boiler
2-) Call for authorised service at first
Half Power mode on Lawa /
Lawa Plus models
Boiler continue to work,
flashing screen boiler still
> Recirculation on fluegas
> Blokage on flue or wrong
> Combustion calibration
> Temporary wind precence
1-) If there is strong wind (ie.wind storm) wait until the wind storm stop
then keep using the boiler as it is 36 or 48 hours boiler try to remove
half power mode by it self automatically by increasing power gradually.
2-) IF problem persist after 48 hours Call for authorised service
(1) Call the Authorized Service if failure continues.
(2) 81 numbered failure corresponds any blocking in the exhaust gas pipe. In such case, you should consult the authorized service technician before
restarting the combi.
Your combi is adjusted at ECO mode for economic use, we recommend not
to change.
Correct Capacity Selection
Heat loss calculation of the combi location should be made correctly and
combi capacity should comply with this calculation. Devices not having
adequate capacity shall give late responses to heating requests, devices
with higher capacity may cause discomfort and more fuel consumption
as they more frequently opened and closed. Therefore, combi capacities
should be selected according to the place used.
Insulation of your building is the most important item reducing the heat loss
and gas consumption. However, as your combi has the highest thickness
insulation of its class, heat loss is minimized.
Ensure balancing our pressure distribution of your radiator installation
within the house by making reduction adjustments from radiator valves.
Placing furnitures in front of radiators prevents air circulation and causes
discomfort and more fuel consumption. Reducing radiator valves of rooms
not used for a long period or if thermostatic radiator valve is used, bringing
to the lowest position then, closing room doors will provide saving.
Domestic Hot Water
Always adjust temperature of domestic hot water as low as possible.
Adjustment of temperature adjuster as low ensures a considerable power
saving. In addition, high domestic hot water temperatures cause strong
calcification and that negatively affects operation of the device (for
instance, longer heating periods, less flow rate).
Thermostatic Radiator Valves
You can both ensure efficiency and comfort balancing the heat distribution
around the house by using Thermostatic Radiator Valves.
Room Thermostats
Your combi will operate more economically as you will have the chance to
adjust requested room temperature according to comfort and economy
timings via room thermostats. Thus, you can adjust temperature of your
room as you wish, and also you can acquire approximately 6% power saving
with every degree of temperature decrease.