be made conveniently using web-based Management.
Assigning the IP address through the serial port
Only #57730 and #57734.
• connect the Web-IO to a serial port of your computer.
For a standard PC, an RS232 crossover cable is required.
• open the used COM port in a terminal application
(e.g., Easyterm) with the following parameters: 9600 baud,
no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no handshake.
• Press the
button on the Web-IO for approx. 1 second.
• Now press the X button and hold it down until
IPno. + <Enter> appears in the terminal program.
• Enter the IP address and confirm with Enter.
The Web-IO responds with the new IP address. If the serial input is incorrect, the
Web-IO responds with FAIL.
Serial deactivation of the DHCP-/BOOTP client
The DHCP-/BOOTP function of the Web-IO can be turned off while serially assigning
the IP address. We recommend doing this in any case where the IP assignment will
not be expressly performed using DHCP/BOOTP.
To deactivate the DHCP/BOOTP client, enter the option „-0“ (zero) immediately
following the IP address (no spaces!) and finish the entry with
xxx ->
no.+<ENTER>: <-Web-IO,, ->
Web-IO ,, <- Web-IO
This works in the same way if subnet mask and gateway are also entered. You can
reactivate the function at any time later by using web-based management in the
Firmware update
The firmware of the Web-IOs is continuously being improved to meet the constantly
changing requirements of growing networks.