CANopen Master and Slave 243
750-8215 PFC200; G2; 4ETH CAN USB
Version 1.2.0, valid from FW Version 03.02.02(14)
Master Configuration
These objects are only available at the bus end when the master has been
0x102A NMT Inhibit Time
This object indicates the minimum time that must elapse before another NMT
telegram is sent. An entry equal to zero deactivates delayed sending. One unit of
time is 100 µs.
Default: 0
0x1F80 NMT Start-up
This object contains the configuration bits for the master status. If automatic
startup is deactivated, the master can be started by writing of 0x1F to this object.
0x1F81 … 0x1F8A Slave Configuration
The configured slaves are entered in these lists. All of the entries are checked
when the master is started and transferred to the slaves.
0x1F81 NMT Slave-Assignment
Subindex 0:
128 = Number of possible entries
Subindex 1 … 128:
Bit 0: Slave present
Bit 2: Slave required for start
Bit 3: Slave reset performed on start
Bit 8 … 15: Guard Retry Factor
Bit 16 … 31: Guard Time
Subindex 128:
Total network (write only)
0x1F82 Request-NMT
Sub-Index 0: 127 = Number of possible entries
Sub-Index = Master Node ID NMT state of the master
0x1F84 Device Type Identification
Sub-Index 0: 127 = Number of possible entries
Index 1 … 127: Slave device type