Connect Devices
750-464 2/4 AI RTD configurable
Version 1.0.1
Pos : 74 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschrif ten f ür alle Serien/Ansc hließ en/ Ans chl uss beis piel e - Ü berschrif t 2 @ 4\ mod_1240996036328_21. doc x @ 32010 @ 2 @ 1
Connection Examples
Pos : 75 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erläut erungen/ Sicherheits- und sonstig e Hinweis e/Hi nweis /Hinweis: Geschir mt e Signalleit ung en ver wenden! @ 7\ mod_1265723251019_21. doc x @ 50140 @ @ 1
Use shielded signal lines!
Only use shielded signal lines for analog signals and I/O modules which are
equipped with shield clamps. Only then can you ensure that the accuracy and
interference immunity specified for the respective I/O module can be achieved
even in the presence of interference acting on the signal cable.
Pos : 76 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Ans chli eßen/ Anschl uss beispi ele/ Anal ogei ngangs kl emmen/ Ansc hluss beispi ele 750- 0464 @ 4\ mod_1243491956171_21. doc x @ 34054 @ 344555344434455 @ 1
750-464 (RTD) Version, 4-Channel Operation
4 x 2-Wire
Important information for 4-channel operation
Please note the special features of 4-channel operation in the following chapter!
Figure 13: Connection example, version 750-464 (RTD), 4-channel, 4 x 2-wire
Special Features in 4-Channel Operation Open Input Wiring
The resistors and/or temperature sensors connected to the bus terminal are
metered sequentially (channel 1, channel 3, channel 2, channel 4). In so doing,
channel 1 and channel 3, or channel 2 and channel 4 form a common measuring
circuit in the circuit design. Therefore, in 4-channel operation, either both
channels of a measuring circuit have to be connected or unused channels have to
be connected at a resistance of 0 Ω ... 5 kΩ.