Device Description
750-375 PROFINET IO advanced Fieldbus Coupler
Version 1.1.0
Pos : 36 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschrif ten f ür alle Serien/G erätebesc hreibung/Bedienel ement e - Ü berschrif t 2 @ 4\ mod_1239191655456_21. doc x @ 30439 @ 2 @ 1
Operating Elements
Pos : 37.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Bedienel ement e/F el dbus koppl er/-contr oller/ Ser vic e-Sc hnitts tell e - Ü bersc hrift 3, und allgemei ne Ei nleit ung @ 4\ mod_1239105167430_21.doc x @ 30221 @ 3 @ 1
Service Interface
The service interface is located behind the flap.
Pos : 37.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Bedienel ement e/F el dbus koppl er/-contr oller/ Konfigur ati ons schnitt st elle - Sie wird für I/O-CH ECK und WAGO- SED I genutzt. (f ür iPar-Ser ver) @ 13\ mod_1353515691661_21.doc x @ 106724 @ @ 1
The service interface is used for the communication with the WAGO-I/O-
and the WAGO-SEDI.
No firmware update via configuration interface!
Note that a firmware update via the service interface using FBC update is not
Pos : 37.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Bedienel ement e/F el dbus koppl er/-contr oller/ Ser vic e-Sc hnitts tell e z ur Konfiguration @ 4\ mod_1239105451408_21. doc x @ 30224 @ @ 1
Figure 26: Service Interface (closed and opened flap)
Table 19: Legend for figure “Service Interface (closed and opened flap)
Open closed
View Service Interface
Pos : 37.4 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Bedienel ement e/F el dbus koppl er/-contr oller/ Achtung: Ger ät muss spannungsfrei sei n! (für Ans chl uss von 750-920, - 923, -921) @ 4\ mod_1239105946740_21. doc x @ 30247 @ @ 1
Device must be de-energized!
To prevent damage to the device, unplug and plug in the communication cable
only when the device is de-energized!
The connection to the 4-pin header under the cover flap can be realized via the
communicaion cables with the item numbers750-920 and 750-923 or via the
Adapter with the item number 750-921.
Pos : 38 /D okument ation allgemei n/ Glieder ungs elemente/---Seit enwechs el--- @ 3\ mod_1221108045078_0. doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1