128 Fieldbus Communication
750-375 PROFINET IO advanced Fieldbus Coupler
Version 1.1.0
Pos : 75 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschrif ten f ür alle Serien/F eldbus kommuni kati on - Ü bersc hrift 1 @ 4\ mod_1241433862621_21.doc x @ 32212 @ 1 @ 1
Fieldbus Communication
Pos : 76.1 /All e Seri en ( Allgemei ne Module)/F eldbus kommuni kation/ ETHERN ET/ ETH ERNET- Einl eitungst ext (für PR OFIN ET I O) (375, 377) @ 15\ mod_1369811671745_21.doc x @ 121120 @ 23 @ 1
Fieldbus communication between IOC of the control application and fieldbus
coupler occurs via the application protocol PROFINET IO.
In addition, there are also other standard ETHERNET protocols implemented,
which on the one hand provide the basis for the PROFINET IO communication
and on the other hand, serve the reliable data transmission and the network
All available protocols are briefly described in the following sections.
Standard ETHERNET Protocols
The fieldbus coupler supports the Internet Protocol (IPv4) acc. to RFC791.
The fieldbus coupler supports the TCP Protocol acc. to RFC 675, RFC 793,
RFC 1122, RFC 2581, RFC 5681.
The implemented HTTP server is used for reading out the HTML pages,
which are stored in the coupler. The HTML pages provide information
about the coupler, such as status and configuration. The HTTP server uses
port number 80.
Pos : 76.2 /All e Seri en ( Allgemei ne Module)/F eldbus kommuni kation/ ETHERN ET/DC P (Disc over y and basic C onfigurati on Pr ot oc ol) (für PRO FINET I O, 750- 375, 377) @ 14\ mod_1360245976541_21. doc x @ 111130 @ 3 @ 1
Via DCP, to still unaddressed devices in a PROFINET IO system can be
distributed addresses and names, so that they are then accessible and able to
communicate via the IP protocol in the network. DCP provides various services
for request and assignment of address information, such as the DCP_Identify
request and the DCP_Get and DCP_Set services.
After the first supply voltage application, the coupler is in state of factory setting,
that means the device name (Name Of Station) is not available (empty string,
NIL) and the IP settings “address”, “subnet mask”, and “default gateway” each
are set to
The fieldbus coupler is only reachable via ICMP if a device name and valid IP-
settings are assigned via DCP_Set services.
Pos : 76.3 /All e Seri en ( Allgemei ne Module)/F eldbus kommuni kation/ ETHERN ET/ LLDP (Li nk Layer Disc over y Prot oc ol) @ 14\ mod_1361867877969_21. doc x @ 112909 @ 33 @ 1