The Model 6500 Smoke Meter has been designed in accordance with the specifications of SAE J1667.
The meter will prompt the operator through the required three test sequence compute the average and the
“spread”. However, the operator must be familiar with the document to make the determination if the test(s) meet
the SAE J1667 and/or the individual state’s (province’s) test requirements.
To assure continuous accuracy of the test performed, a .2 Neutral Density Filter is provided with the system. Refer
to appendix B for the description of this procedure. Once the verification check has been complete, return the filter
to the protective sleeve.
The filter should be stored inside the case or protective sleeve to keep the sun from deteriorating the tint of the
filter. If the filter glass is left out in the sun for an extended period of time, the UV light will reduce the opacity of
the tint your filter may read lower then stated. If your filter glass is reading higher than normal, the filter may need
cleaning with a clean dry cloth.
Note: The filter’s optical properties change with exposure to light and over time.
Filters will have to be replaced periodically.