SDB-103 Small Diameter Beveler and FF 206 Flange Facer
Part No. 16-MAN-01, Rev. 4-1109
E.H. Wachs
On the adjustable gib, loosen the gib screws. Turn
them just enough to crack them loose.
To increase the slide tension
, turn the middle adjust-
ment screw in (clockwise). Turn the screw by a small
amount—no more than 1/4 turn at a time.
To decrease the slide tension
, turn the middle adjust-
ment screw out (counter-clockwise). Turn it by a small
amount—no more than 1/4 turn at a time.
Snug down the center gib screw and turn the starwheel
to check the slide tension. If necessary, loosen the cen-
ter gib screw and re-adjust the center adjustment
screw until the slide tension is correct.
Loosen the center gib screw again and turn the star-
wheel to move the male tool slide to one end of the
gibs. Use the adjustment screw at that location to set
the tension. Snug the gib screw to check the tension.
Loosen the gib screw by the male tool slide, then turn
the starwheel to move the slide to the other end of the
gib. Repeat the adjustment process using the adjust-
ment screw at this end of the gib.
Tighten down all gib screws and check the tension
along the entire travel of the slide. Re-adjust the ten-
sion at any locations necessary.