Chapter 3, Introduction to the Equipment: FF 206 Flange Facer
E.H. Wachs
Part No. 16-MAN-01, Rev. 4-1109
FF 206 F
The standard FF 206 system
does not contain all compo-
nents necessary to use it as
an SDB 103. A conversion kit
(16-420-00) is available to
convert the FF 206 to the
SDB 103.
With the FF 206 conversion kit, the SDB 103 can be quickly
converted to a flange facing machine. The FF 206 will fin-
ish raised and flat flange faces from 2.0” (50.8 mm) I.D. up
to 6.0” (152 mm) O.D. The FF 206 can be purchased as a
fully integrated machine, or as a kit to upgrade the SDB
Figure 3-6. The photo shows the components of the
FF 206, including the SDB 103 machine.
The FF 206 uses a radial-feed tool slide to advance the cut-
ting tool across the flange face. A starwheel on the slide is
advanced by striking mechanical trips as the machine
rotates. The starwheel turns a feed screw that drives the
slide in the feed direction.
Various finishes can be cut with the FF 206 by varying the
number of engaged trips on the trip ring. Finish options
include flange face, record groove, or RMS 63 finish.
Radial tool slide
Trip ring
Squaring plate
SDB 103 with independent fitting
mandrel and leg sets
Tool holder