Steering Angle Sensor
The steering angle sensor (SAS) is part of the ESC system. The SAS delivers the driver’s steering input
(steering wheel position) to the ECU using a dedicated ESC system internal datalink. The ECU supplies
the sensor with voltage and ground. The SAS must be calibrated using diagnostic tools whenever it is
replaced, or when any vehicle steering components are replaced or adjusted.
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Module
The ESC module is part of the ESC system. It measures the vehicle yaw rate as well as vehicle lateral
acceleration. The ESC module includes part of the ESC control algorithm. It exchanges data with the
ECU via the ESC system internal data link. The ECU supplies the module with voltage and ground. The
ESC module must be initialized by diagnostic tools whenever the ECU or the ESC module is replaced.
HSA Lamp
A multiplexed HSA lamp provides the driver with a visual indication of system deactivation and/or
active fault. If the lamp is hard wired, it must be an incandescent lamp or LED with a resistor to prevent
the ECU from setting a fault code. A failure detected on any of these components will lead to no HSA