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2 Characteristics
This module is used for the control of one directional valve with two solenoids or one/two independent pres-
sure or throttle valves with one solenoid each. Various adjustable parameters allow for an optimized adapta-
tion to the respective valve. The integrated power amplifier with a short cycle time of 0.125 ms for the current
loop is an inexpensive and space-saving solution.
195 (comparable to PAM-195)
: the amplifier can be used to control one directional valve. The current is con-
trolled by a +/-
10 V (or 4… 20 mA with cable breakdown monitoring) input signal.
196 (comparable to PAM-196)
: the amplifier can be used to control one/two throttle or pressure valves. The
output current is controlled by 0...10 V (or
4… 20 mA with cable breakdown monitoring) input signal.
197 (comparable to PAM-197)
: the amplifier can be used to control proportional valves with one or two sole-
noids by three digital input signals to select up to eight pre-programmed command and ramp values.
The output current is closed loop controlled and therefore independent from the power supply and the solenoid
resistance. The output stage is monitored for cable breakdown, is short circuit proof and disables the power
stage in case of an error.
RAMP, MIN and MAX, the DITHER (frequency and amplitude) and the PWM frequency are programmable.
In addition, the valve characteristics can be linearized via 10 XY-points. For example: using pressure valves a
linear behavior between input signal and pressure can be reached.
Typical applications: Control of directional, throttle and pressure valves, which need a flexible adaptation of the
solenoid control. All typical proportional valves of the different manufactures (BOSCH, REXROTH, PARKER,
EATON ...) can be controlled.
General power amplifier, one unit for all applications
Control of directional valves or two pressure or throttle valves
Controlled by analogue or digital inputs
Compact housing
Digital reproducible adjustments
Free scaling of the analogue inputs
Range monitoring of the input signal (e.g. joysticks)
Characteristics linearization via 10 XY-points per direction
Free parameterization of RAMPS, MIN und MAX, output current, DITHER (frequency, amplitude)
Nominal output current range: 0.
5… 2.6 A
Simple and application orientated parameter settings via WPC-software
Failure monitoring and extended function check