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6 Appendix
Failure monitoring
Following possible error sources are monitored continuously when SENS = ON / AUTO:
Command signal PIN 9 / 10 or
Command signal PIN 14 / 13, 4...20mA
Out of range
The power stage is deactivated.
Command signal PIN 9 / 10 or
Command signal PIN 14 / 13, LIM function
Out of range
The power stage is deactivated.
Solenoid A PIN 3 / 4
Solenoid B PIN 1 / 2
Broken wire
The power stage is deactivated.
(monitored during power on procedure)
Data error
The power stage is deactivated.
The module can be activated by
saving new parameters (press-
ing of the SAVE Button).
Initial situation is an operable status of the device and existing communication between the module and the
WPC-300 program. Furthermore, the parameterization of the valve control has to be done with the assistance
of the valve data sheets.
The RC mode in monitor can be used to analyze faults.
If using the RC (Remote Control) mode, all safety aspects have to be checked solidly.
In this mode the module is actuated directly and the machine control has no influence on the
ENABLE is active, the
module does not re-
spond, and the READY
LED is off.
Probably the power supply is disconnected or the ENABLE signal is not present.
If there is no power supply there is also no communication via our operating program.
If the connection to the WPC-300 exists, the power supply is also available. In this
case the availability of the ENABLE signal can be checked via the monitor.
ENABLE is active, the
READY LED is flashing.
The flashing READY LED indicates that a fault is detected by the module. The fault
could be:
Failure detection in case of current input. Input signal below 3 mA.
Failure detection in case of active LIM function (for example joystick monitoring)
Input signals are out of range.
A broken cable or incorrect wiring to the solenoids.
Internal data error: execute the command / press the button SAVE to delete the
data error. The system reloads the DEFAULT data.
With the WPC-300 operating program the failure can be localized directly via the