VTI Instruments Corp.
TEDS data is stored in EEPROM. The first 64-bit is “Basic” TEDS data followed by the transducer
specific data. The transducer specific information must be parsed using the template provided by
the transducer manufacturer.
Basic TEDS (64bit)
Optional Template TEDS (with ID 25 6o 39)
User-defined data
Selector (2bits)
Selector (2bits)
Figure C-7-3: TEDS Data Structure
The Basic TEDS fields are defined by IEEE 1451.4 specification.
Content and Range
Manufacturer ID
Number (17-16381)
14 bits
Model Number
Number (0-32767)
15 bits
Version Letter
Character (A-Z)
5 bits
Version Number
Number (0-63)
6 bits
Serial Number
Number (0-16777215)
24 bits
Table C-1: Basic TEDS
The TEDS data bit stream is usually 256-bit including 8-bit checksum to ensure the correct data
Check Sum [7:0]
MSB 07
LSB 00
TEDS Data [7:0]
TEDS Data [239:8]
TEDS Data [247:240]
MSB 15
MSB 247
MSB 255
LSB 08
LSB 16
LSB 248
Bit Stream Out
Figure C-7-4: TEDS Bit Stream